Brow & Forehead Lift
in Torrance, CA
Also serving Palos Verdes & Redondo Beach
Dr. Bray, Jr. performs Brow and Forehead Lifts to elevate the position of the eyebrows and to reduce forehead lines. The Brow lift procedure may also improve the appearance of the eyes. In many patients, a ptotic or sagging brow will create an appearance of lateral hooding of the periorbital area. This appears as fullness and heaviness of the upper lateral eyelid. A brow lift procedure may improve this appearance.

Dr. Bray, Jr. will perform a complete facial analysis prior to a brow lift or forehead lift procedure. The relationship of the brow position to the orbital rim, pupil, medial and lateral canthus is observed. In the female patient the brow should be slightly higher than in the male patient. The shape of the eyebrow is important. The female eyebrow will have an arching appearance with the highest point in line with the lateral limbus. The male eyebrow should have a flatter appearance. Eyebrow ptosis or sagging may also be detected by continuous elevation of the brow by the frontalis muscle (forehead muscle). When a patient is using their frontalis muscle constantly to elevate the brow this is a sign that the brow may be too low and may even be contributing to obstruction of visual fields. The upper eyelids will also be evaluated at the time of brow analysis. In many cases the brow will be sagging at the same time as excess skin is present in the upper eyelid. The best results are achieved by treating both the brow and the upper eyelid at the same time. Once brow ptosis has been established, Dr. Bray Jr. will be able to discuss treatment options.
Brow Lift & Forehead Lift Surgery:
There are a number of ways to treat brow ptosis. Non-surgical treatments such as Botox and fillers may provide good results in properly selected patients. Surgical options include endoscopic brow lift, coronal brow lift, lateral brow lift, pretricheal brow lift, mid-forehead lift, and direct brow lift.
Endoscopic brow lift involves making three small incisions in the hairline. The forehead is then elevated in a subperiosteal plane. The endoscope is used to improve visualization. The periosteum is then selectively released and the brow is elevated.
The coronal brow lift requires an incision across the top of the head. The forehead is elevated in the subgaleal plane. The brow is elevated and excess skin is removed. This allows for significant elevation of the brow.
The pretricheal brow lift requires an incision at the front of the hairline. The dissection may be performed in the subcutaneous plane. This procedure is ideal for patients with a high hairline. In some cases the hairline may even be advanced forward to lower the hairline. The endoscopic and coronal brow lift procedures will elevate the hairline.
The lateral brow lift is performed by making an incision in the lateral anterior hairline. This procedure is intended to elevate the lateral brow. The medial and central brow will not be elevated with this procedure. The advantage is a smaller incision compared to the coronal or pretricheal lift.
The mid-forehead and direct brow lift procedures involve incisions made on the forehead. These incisions will be more noticeable than the other brow lift incisions. However, these procedures provide elevation to the entire brow with less invasive surgery. These procedures may be performed with local anesthetic. In properly selected patients these procedures may be a good choice.
Brow and Forehead Lift FAQ
Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow and Forehead Lift?

Sagging brows and deep creases across the forehead are frustrating for many men and women. A brow and forehead lift can improve these cosmetic concerns and reduce the hooding effect on your upper eyelids. This procedure may be right for you if you struggle with these signs of aging and are in good physical health, a non-smoker and have realistic expectations for your results.
Dr. Bray, Jr. will evaluate your facial appearance and anatomy and determine if the brow and forehead lift is an appropriate option for you.
What is the Recovery Like for a Brow and Forehead Lift?
Your individual recovery will depend on the type of brow lift our board-certified plastic surgeon performs. A full brow lift will likely require a longer recovery than a lateral brow lift. Dr. Bray, Jr. will give you detailed instructions on caring for the brow area after your procedure as well as pain management. These directions outline what is a normal part of the recovery process and what warrants a call to our office to ensure you’re healing correctly without complications.
Generally, you can expect a one-to-two-week recovery period. You may still have some swelling and bruising after this time, but these will dissipate in the coming weeks. Complete recovery from a brow and forehead lift can take a few months as the incision sites heal and fade.
When Will I See My Full Results?
You will notice the anti-aging benefits of your brow and forehead lift right away with reduced lines and a refreshed appearance due to the elevated brow position. Over time swelling and bruising will dissipate with full results typically appearing in a few months.
With proper sun protection and a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy your brow and forehead lift results for many years. However, the procedure will not stop the aging process.
Can I Combine Brow and Forehead Lift with Another Facial Plastic Surgery?

Combining two or more facial plastic surgeries to achieve your desired results without subsequent procedures is quite common. A brow and forehead lift may be combined with eyelid surgery or a facelift. You may also choose to follow up on your brow and forehead lift with non-surgical treatments such as dermal fillers and Botox to rejuvenate your face.
There are many benefits to combining facial plastic surgery, including a one-time recovery.
Is a Brow and Forehead Lift or Eyelid Surgery Best for me?
These procedures provide complementary benefits, which is why they’re often combined. A brow and forehead lift focuses on the drooping eyebrows and sagging forehead tissues, and it does benefit the eyelid area by addressing eyebrow hooding. In contrast, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) focuses on the upper or lower eyelids. The eyelid skin is thin and delicate and often shows signs of aging before other areas of the face. Blepharoplasty reduces under-eye bags and sagging upper and lower eyelid skin.
Both brow and forehead lifts and eyelid surgery can improve an aged and tired appearance, but they focus on different areas of the upper face. Dr. Bray, Jr. will assess your facial structure and signs of aging and recommend the facial plastic surgery options that may help you achieve your desired look.