Nostril Reduction
in Torrance, CA
Also serving Palos Verdes & Redondo Beach
Nostril reduction is a common request of patients interested in rhinoplasty. The nostrils may appear large or excessive, making the nose appear too large for the face. Nostril reduction is an excellent way to
improve the appearance of the nose for properly selected patients.

A complete nasal and facial analysis is performed prior to nostril reduction surgery. This will include viewing the nostrils from the front, side, and underneath. From the front, nostril width will be compared to the distance between the eyes. From a side view, we will compare the position of the outer edge of the nostil and the base of the nose. From underneath, we will measure the proportions of nose tip to nostril length. This view will also reveal the width of the nasal sill and the degree of nostril flaring.
Nostril Reduction Surgery:
Nostril Reduction is accomplished by performing small excisions at the base of the nostrils. The incision is placed 1 to 2mm above where the nostril meets the rest of the face in order to maintain the natural contour of that area. The excision may be modified based on the anatomy of the patient. If the base of the nostril is wide the nostril reduction surgery will include resection of the nostril sill. In cases of nostril flaring and a normal nostril base, the resection involves the nostril rim but not the nostril sill. This procedure may have a significant improvement in the shape of a patient’s nose, however it is important that excessive nostril reduction is avoided. Excessive nostril reduction may lead to airway compromise and nasal facial disproportion.
Before/after images of Dr Bray, Jr.’s rhinoplasty work are in the image gallery