What to Expect During Tummy Tuck Recovery

A tummy tuck can make your abdomen smoother, firmer and more sculpted. However, it is major surgery and recovery takes time. Top Los Angeles triple-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Bray Jr. explains what to expect when recuperating from a tummy tuck.


Arrange for someone to help you at home for the first few days after the operation. If you have children, you will need someone to care for them. The same holds true for pets. You cannot lift heavy objects for many weeks after a tummy tuck.

For the first few days you are home, you will need to sleep in a flexed abdominal position to protect your abdomen. Prepare a suitable rest area beforehand.

After the Surgery

After the surgery, expect a moderate amount of pain. The doctor will prescribe pain medication to alleviate discomfort during the initial phase of your recovery. Some patients may need blood-thinning medications after surgery.

A certain amount of swelling and bruising is normal immediately after the operation. It is crucial to get up and take short walks even in the days right after the surgery to keep your blood flowing. Developing blood clots is a risk after any major surgery.

If drains are placed, the drains may remain for several days after surgery. They help prevent fluid buildup beneath the skin. Your doctor will show you the proper way to maintain and empty the drains of excess fluid. Keep track of how much drainage you are experiencing. Showering usually resumes after the drainage tubes are removed.

Wearing an abdominal binder or compression garment is recommended for about six weeks. This garment adds support and may reduce fluid buildup.

Scar Care

A tummy tuck will leave a scar. After tape or glue removal, silicone gel strips may be used along the scar line to optimize the scar. How much the scar will fade is generally evident after a year.

Follow-up Visits

Several follow-up visits are scheduled during recovery so the doctor can check your incision and assess how you are progressing.

Recovery Time

Many people can return to work after two weeks if the work is not strenuous. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for about six to eight weeks post-surgery. Your body will continue to heal and swelling may improve for many months.

Learn More About Tummy Tucks

If you would like to know more about abdominoplasty and whether you are a good candidate for the procedure, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. David Bray, Jr. He will answer all of your questions so that you can make an informed decision.